Leah Broadby

Australia, Tasmania, Hobart

My name is Leah Broadby. I am also Molly Billygoat, because having a second identity is fun (as long as you both get along). I spend much of my life imagining our world warped in ways beyond my imagining, which sort of defeats the purpose of imagining, doesn’t it? For some reason, however, I persist with this impossible task. It could be that it prevents insanity.

It could be that it is what makes me a writer.

I personify objects (I am not delusional, simply a wishful thinker). I am an atheist and a fantasy fiend – go figure. I love fairies (both types). I lived in the Land of Kimchi for a time and speak some Korean. Asia left a long and eternal impression on who I am. I worship Monty Python, South Park, Frank Zappa, Arthur C. Clarke and other creators too numerous to list. I would worship that space spaghetti thing but I keep forgetting its name.

I come from Southern Tasmania (Australia). If you look at a map, you’ll see that Tasmania is an island nestled in the nethers of the world. You’ll see that, indeed, Tasmania somewhat resembles the nethers of a person. Fun facts are worth slipping into a bio, don’t you think?

I’ve been called both “lovely” and “a freak” to my face, so take your pick. Or should you? Surely they are not mutually exclusive. If you got this far into my spiel, it is possible you’ll enjoy my book. See the first page of this website for a more book-centric spiel, or click on “A Dreadful Daughter’s Spells” to check it out on Amazon.