Shannon Curtis

Australia, New South Wales

Hm. Me. I’m supposed to tell you all about me. Because you want to read all about…me? Well, if you’re on this page, I guess you do. I don’t think I’m very exciting, though. That’s why I write. I can make up more exciting stuff.

Well, here goes….

I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, and this sparkling gem of geography will always be home to me, no matter where I live. I’m fortunate enough to be married to a wonderful man, and we have three fantastic children who continue to show me how patient my own parents were, and still are, with me. Oh, and they think I’m awesome. See, I can write virtually any fiction!

I have always enjoyed reading mysteries, ever since I was in primary school and hid my Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden books behind my textbooks in class. (Thus I always got “Shannon is a studious child” on my report cards – but that can be our secret!)

Then, when I was old enough to realise boys don’t only have ‘germs’; I became interested in romances. I used to sneak my mum’s books and read in my room while I pretended I was cleaning it (shhh, though, because she doesn’t know. That’s another secret).

Imagine how overjoyed I was to find a romantic mystery, a genre that combined my two literary loves. Something that grabbed my attention, held me enthralled, set my heart racing at the tension, screaming “don’t go in there!” and finally collapsing, exhausted and grinning, at the surprise twist and the happy ending.

Anyway, enough about me, let’s get back to the writing!