Archer Swift

Australia, Victoria, Melbourne

I find it mind-boggling.

From a 24-lettered alphabet, we’ve amassed 1,025,110 words in the English language (and counting). From these words, we create innumerable sentences and paragraphs from which we get ideas that stir thought and tales that we love and cherish.

Truly amazing.

I can only hope that the words I piece into sentences and the paragraphs I shape into stories enrich and inspire and encourage. I even hold out a pie-in-the-sky hope that someday, I’ll coin a word or two that enters the English dictionary. Hey, I’ll take the Urban Dictionary. I’m not that ambitious.


Archer Swift lives in Melbourne, Australia. Known for the dystopian sci-fi Eden Trilogy, Archer has written several other books, both fiction and nonfiction (including one using a fictional dialogue as the book’s framework), under various nom de plumes.