Paul G. Day


Paul G Day specializes in books aimed at children and young adults. He has a unique narrative style designed to draw the reader’s attention to the images of the setting as well as the predicament of the protagonist. Through human and non human characters, his books tell a very human drama and the complicated emotional journey we all sometimes find ourselves taking as we search for meaning and answers to profound and often confronting questions. Every one of his characters reflect a personality which has its beginning in the heart and mind of the writer himself. Paul’s stories are about love, loyalty, family and courage. They represent a coming of age, where the central character must learn and grow in order to survive the complex and sometimes unforgiving world about them. Paul believes in strong young characters who stubbornly and sometimes defiantly challenge the troubles that compound their lives, finding a way, even in the darkest, bleakest moments of their otherwise unremarkable existence, to overcome adversity, thereby ultimately becoming extraordinary.